Akhirnye, keluar gak aku dgn Dewi g muvee hujung minggu. Hahaha! Klo tak dipaksa2, mau kitorng lepak umah je. Tapi ada gak halangannye. Dekat satu jam jugak la kami surf Internet. Masuk web TGV & GSC, sbb nk reserve ticket utk Upin & Ipin. (Baru tahu yang tajuk citer ni ‘Geng: Pengembaraan bermula’. Ingatklan still pakai ‘Upin & Ipin’...Hehehe...)
Huh…! GSC asyik fully-booked. Yang TGV lak asyik technical error. Akhirye kami decide, go and redah je. Fully booked or not, yg penting we are there!
So, kul 11am kami bertolak la dari TM ni. Fetch Ida kat depan Klinik Nabilah and Pyramid..here we go. Knpe Pyramid..? Saja! Itu je jalan yang kami expert. Nk masuk Damansara, takut tak jumpe OU plak. Hahaha. Next time, maybe.
Upin & Ipin..? Until 530pm ‘s showing – Fully booked. Yang ada 710pm. Xnaklah! Akhirnye, kami tawakal la dgn Pink Panther II. Well..not bad. We’ve a lot of fun & laugh inside. So, takde la terasa keterkilanan tu. Hahahahaha!
Abis muvee, kami ukur jalan dalam Pyramid tu. Beli la some cars accessories then tgk org skating and dump! 7pm babe! Kami pun decide nk balik la.
Sblm sampai TM, aku singgah umah dulu. Nk amek beg Gucci Bella since next week I’m going to PAngkor again. Family Day. Half an hour later, chow to TM.
Penatnyer. Abis Chocolate Banana – Secret Recipes, tido!
The End! Huarghhhh… ZZzzzzzzzzzzz….~(chiow..~)